Sunday, May 2, 2021

 Ignore social media propaganda against vaccines, Health Minister tells Zambians



Credit: Lusaka Times

Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has announced that an additional 3,847 doses of both the AstraZeneca and Sinopharm vaccines were administered in the last 24 hrs that included 2,559 and 1,288 doses respectively, bringing the cumulative number of vaccinated persons to 43,147.

“Today marks day 18 since the national launch of the vaccination programme and it is encouraging to note that we have vaccinated 43,147 people with an increasing upward trajectory. It is gratifying that the Zambian people have come to accept and understand the importance of the COVID-19 Vaccines,” he added.

In a statement issued to the media yesterday, Dr. Chanda who reiterated his call on everyone to get vaccinated, said currently the Country has 236 vaccination sites with 21 sites in Lusaka, 12 in Muchinga, 30 in the Northern, 11 in North-western, 31 in Eastern, 30 in Central, 27 in Luapula, 35 on the Copperbelt, 30 in Western and nine in Southern province.

He further stated that progress has been made with the printing of vaccination certificates and the distribution will begin tomorrow with issuance of the cards expected to commence by mid-week.

“We further urge Zambians to ignore social media propaganda, including WhatsApp videos against vaccines being spread by conspiracy theorists and the anti-vaccine lobby. Please, only listen to health experts,” he cautioned.

Meanwhile, Zambia has in the last 24 hours recorded 23 new COVID-19 cases from 8 provinces out of 3,116 tests conducted bringing the cumulative number of confirmed cases to date to 91,693, Minister of Health Jonas Chanda has announced.

The Minister indicated that two new deaths were recorded both from the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka and classified as COVID-19 associated deaths.

Dr. Chanda has since noted that the cumulative number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded to date stands at 1,253 and classified as 703 COVID deaths and 550 COVID-19 associated deaths.

He said a total of 70 discharges were recorded from both the COVID-19 isolation facilities and home management, bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to 90,082.

“There are currently 358 active cases, of whom 310 are under community management and 48 are admitted to our COVID-19 isolation facilities and among them 31 are on oxygen therapy and 9 are in critical condition,” noted Dr. Chanda.

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