Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Mammoth Demonstration to hit Akufo-Addo, Wale Wale Adams Smith Bawumia over broken Economy


Ghanaians are expected to come out in their numbers on May 9, 2021 to protest against rising economic hardship in their country under President Nana Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

Among those convening the protest is a senior journalist with state-owned media entity, Dela Russell Ocloo.

Madam Ocloo told African Entertainment in a telephone interview that she was going to participate in the protest action.

The protest dubbed: “FixTheCountry, is in response to economic hardship in Ghana under the presidency of Mr Akufo-Addo.

Several Ghanaians have over the last few days taken to Twitter to express their frustrations with what they consider as “economic mess” being created by President Akufo-Addo and his government.

The ongoing power outages popularly known as Dumsor and water crisis as well increases in gas prices, are at the heart of the protests.

The Ghanaian economy is fast deteriorating despite Dr. Bawumia, touted as Wale Wale Adams Smith, being the head of the country’s Economic Management Team.

Dr. Bawumia while in opposition in 2016 criticized the then President John Mahama’s Government for wanton borrowing and the energy crisis at the time.

But under him (Bawumia), Ghana has borrowed more in the last five years than it has ever done since Ghana gained Independence from Britain in 1957, coupled with mismanaged energy and water sectors.

Recently as earlier reported by African Entertainment, a senior citizen Sam K Jonah, said Ghana was facing debt crisis under the watch of Dr  Bawumia.

Notice to Police

African Entertainment has intercepted a letter from convenors of the planned demonstration notifying the Ghana Police Service, seeking permission to embark on the protest march.

“For Your Attention Ghana Police Service Accra
Notice of Intention to exercise constitutional rights under Article 21(1)(d) and (f) of the 1992 Constitution
Compliance with Statutory Requirement to Give Notice
We write with reference to Section 1 of the Public Order Act (Act 491), which provides that any person who desires to hold any special event within the meaning of that Act in any public place shall notify the police of his intention not less than 5 days before the date of the special event,” they noted in a statement.

“In this connection, kindly note that:
(a) Date: This special event will be held on May 9th, 2021.
(b) Significance of the Date: The date “May 9th” has been spontaneously and
specifically chosen for two reasons. First, it captures the restless spirit of over 126 Ghanaians who lost their lives in the May 9th Accra Sports Stadium Disaster due to institutionalized incompetence and disregard for Ghanaian lives. Secondly, the Protest commemorates the 26th Anniversary of the Kume Preko Demonstration of 11 May 1995. Thus, the event draws inspiration from the undying culture of protest and dissent that has forged our democracy, and which Kume Preko has become a synonym for in our collective memory.
(c) Purpose: The Event, which is a single purpose event, is being organized on the back of a string of consistent broken promises by successive governments; and in exercise of our democratic rights as citizens to express our frustration over perennial Governmental incompetence, refusal and/or inability to fix the country.
(d) Motivations of Organizers: The Organizers believe, as does the President, that democracy is not a spectator sport. We are committed to improving the substance of governance in this country by ensuring that the ordinary voices of Ghanaians provide a mechanism to hold elected officials accountable. There comes a point where enough is enough. Just fix the Country!!! That’s our only message. We have had it with purposeful deceit and the absence of truth and genuine accountability in how this country is being governed,” they notified the Police Service.

“(e) Format: The special event will entail a socially distanced assembly of people embarking on a silent march.
(f) Proposed route and destination: The March will proceed peacefully and at a socially distanced pace from the Blackstar Independence Square Station. From the Independence Square, the group will continue along the 28th February Road, then join the Atta Mills High Street; then down Graphic Road towards circle, using Dr. Busia Highway, then return on Dr Busia Highway to meet Ring Road West Road, then continue on that street through Ring Road central, then Odoi Kwao Loop, then join Hilla Limann Highway, then Turn on Sunyani Avenue continuing straight till turn on Kanda Link, then Turn on President Drive, then continue till we hit Liberation Road, then continue down Liberation Road till 37 Maxmart where Group Disperses. [A Print of the route on Map is attached.]
(g) No intention to breach the Peace: The Organizers do not intend to deliver a petition the Presidency. What’s the point of that? We have no intention of gaining entry into any security installation, destroying private property or breaching the peace in any other way. The March is about due process and government accountability. As such we intend to conduct the March in a manner consistent with the laws of the country, with particular regard to our rights and duties under the Constitution and such other relevant. This notice being itself an indication of such intent. There is no intention to engage in the same patterns of lawless conduct that elected officials and their appointees are prone to. Also, we assure you that unlike the 2020 Elections which led to the unexplained deaths of Ghanaian citizens for which, till this day, no official has been held accountable for; our March is not grounded in gratuitous violence.
(h) Starting Time: The Organizers anticipate that the people will assembly from 8:30am. The march along the outlined route will start at 9:30am.
(i) Time of closure of the event: The crowd will disperse at 2pm.
(j) Signature: As required by law, this notification is evidently in writing and
has been undersigned or on behalf of the organizers of the special event.
Route of Planned Protest March
Compliance with COVID-19 Health Directives
1. The Organizers note, with regret, that for nearly 18 months since the outbreak of the covid-19 health emergency, the Government has not developed any protocols for how public assembly for the purpose of exercising the right to freedom of assembly including the freedom to take part in processions and demonstrations.”

“2. Despite this several public gatherings have been organized by the State, including political rallies, voting exercises and other such events during this period. As the government has shown, it is possible for Public gatherings, especially in outdoor spaces to be carried out without significant risk of a spread of infections.
3. We note in particular that throughout November 2020 to January 2021, the Minister for Information Kojo Oppong Nkrumah continuously challenged any claims that political gatherings led to any increases in COVID-19 cases, or rate of infection.
4. We are assured that if political gatherings drawing thousands of people; and a voting exercise entailing over 13 million Ghanaians did not lead to a rise in new infections, it is possible to hold a public event, in compliance with public health protocols, without an increased risk to public health.”

“In this regard, the organizers will take all measures to ensure that the March is undertaken in compliance with all relevant and well-known public health directives. We are certain that constitutional rights are not entirely displaced by public health situations, irrespective of measures taken to anticipate and address risks associated with such situations. In this connection, the organizers:
1. Have sought advice from relevant public health specialists regarding how to ensure that a public assembly is compliant with relevant public health protocols.
2. Have referred to international best practices regarding how public gatherings, including processions and demonstrations can be made COVID-19 Compliant.
3. Will ensure that all public messaging regarding the event emphasize all relevant public health protocols.
4. Will ensure that all persons taking part in the event adhere to the relevant public health protocols.
5. Have set below a tentative guide for making the event COVID-19 compliant
Proposed COVID-19 Protocols for the May 9th FIXTHECOUNTRY Protest
• Each person will stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone they do not live with.
• Each person must wash their hands with soap and water before you leave the house
• Each person must use hand sanitiser gel regularly during the March
• Each person must wash their hands as soon as they get home – do this
for at least 20 seconds
• Each person must cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or your
sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
• Each person must carry a utilities bag in which they will put used and
wash their hands afterwards or use hand sanitisers immediately after
• Each person must refrain from touching their eyes, nose or mouth if
their hands are not clean.
Social distancing:
All persons attending the Event should ensure that social distancing is practiced traveling to and from, and during the FIXTHECOUNTRY Protest. This means that:

Below are the convenors

Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor
Tel: +233549214976
Felicity Nelson
Tel: +233547294895
Samuel Alesu-Dordzi Tel: +233208330588
Della Russel Ocloo 0244 144720
Joshua Boye-Doe @gyaigyii
Efia Odo
0240127652 andreaowusu11@icloud.com
Bashiratu Kamal-Muslim +233244794703
Agyapong Forster
Adatsi Brownson
Benjamin Darko
+233244220075 Benjamindarko775@protonmail.com
Gabriel Ohene Kwasi Addai spooky1839@gmail.com
Comedian Warris

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The post Mammoth Demonstration to hit Akufo-Addo, Wale Wale Adams Smith Bawumia over broken Economy appeared first on African Entertainment.

source https://africanentertainment.com/2021/05/04/mammoth-demonstration-to-hit-akufo-addo-wale-wale-adams-smith-bawumia-over-broken-economy/

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